A little update from CYRIL!

A little update from CYRIL!

Dear friends, today a little update on the present and future of the band.

CYRIL has always been a band project in which the musicians put a lot of commitment, joy and time.
Rehearsals and working on new songs are time-consuming and increasingly difficult to organize.

Therefore, we have had to put CYRIL into “sleep mode” for the time being.

However, Larry, Marek and Denis are active in the joint project “The Artrock Project” and continue to play CYRIL songs live here, so please follow our news and there may be new songs from CYRIL at some point.

Until then, thank you for your loyalty!


Album Cover CYRIL #4


While the production of the forthcoming fourth album is in the last legs, we would like to present you the cover for “Amanti’s coin – the secret place pt.2”.

Designed and drawn by the wonderful Ally Mahoney – many of you know her certainly not only as a drawing artist but also and especially as a pianist (also very knowledgeable about progressive rock) – it brings the story and mood of the album to bear perfectly. Thanks, Ally!


btw: You can find her on her fb page:



Prog(c)tober Club Tour 2021 cancelled!

Dear friends,
We put it off for a long time, considered and weighed it up, but unfortunately the development of the last few months, but above all the still uncertain prospects for autumn, leave us no other choice than cancel our joint tour of “seven steps, which has already been postponed to 2021 to the green door “+” CYRIL “+ Manuel Schmid & Marek Arnold now completely.
The reasons are certainly not surprising: for many months there have been no rehearsals, no joint planning in terms of technical and organizational implementation. The lack of support for artists / self-employed soloists and the existential cancellation of all concerts for some of us and the resulting loss of income make it impossible for us to (pre-) invest in the implementation of the tour. Printing posters, PR & promo, trips to rehearsals or investments in technology (s) and organization are currently hardly possible for us. If, as a result of a positive pandemic development, concerts can actually take place again in October without too great restrictions and hygiene concepts that additionally drive up costs, some of the band members are dependent on their income from regular musical services.
We also think it is unlikely that the fans will return to the normal “concert routine” in the autumn as they did before “Corona”, uncertainty and respect for the virus and its mutations are still too deep. It is also not yet foreseeable whether all organizers will be able to carry out such concerts economically. We very much regret that the long planned tour with dear friends, motivated partners, the committed organizers, lighting technicians, videographers and sponsors cannot take place. The planned live DVD will of course not be recorded either.
We are very grateful that they stood by us until the end, and hope that under better conditions we can catch up on the tour at a later date.
All 3 bands / projects are currently working all the harder on the next releases, which will soon see the light of day.
Please follow us on our website and on facebook for news and updates. Marek

New album & new drummer – the news autumn 2020…

finally some news: writing and basic arranging for the new album “secret place pt. 2” is finished now, and we will now start with drum recordings.

These strange times required another change:

please welcome Manuel Humpf as new drummer for the drum recordings of new album! 🙂

Manuel lives in Berlin and is known in prog scene for his work as former drummer of band “Smalltape”. Please stay tuned for the new album!


next album / DE – tourdates

CYRIL is currently working on next album – first tracks are written and we want to tell you amazing news: it will be – yeah, finally! – the second part of the sory / song ” secret place” – this time as a whole album. Stay tuned!

And – finally there`s a little tour ( DE only ) with ssttgd and Manuel Schmid & Marek Arnold ( attention – embarrassed to 2021! ):

Seven Steps to the Green Door + CYRIL + Manuel Schmid (Stern Combo Meissen) und Marek Arnold ( Cyril, ssttgd, Toxic Smile, UPF, SCM… )


21.10.21 Berlin, Bornholm II

22.10.21 Rüsselsheim, Das Rind

23.10.21 Oberhausen, Crowded House

24.10.21 Castrop-Rauxel, Mythos

27.10.2021 TENNE, Oederan

28.10.21 Reichenbach, Bergkeller

29.10.21 Stralsund, Kulturkirche St.Jakobi

30.10.21 Oranienburg, Oranienwerk


Features, Reviews and…..new drummer!

We are thrilled to see, that our new album “the way through” still gets amazing reviews, a lot of great feedback.

Even some of the biggest magazins featured CYRIL in their latest issues ( Eclipsed Magazine, Empire Music, … ) –

we´re so happy to see that growing community of CYRILists 😉

But there`s another – very important – announcement.

We like to thank our drummer Clemens Litschko for 7 years with CYRIL. He decided to leave the band – because after our first ever gigs – that went so well! – its clear for us to go the way with even more power. Due to his little family and his own projects Clemens sadly will not find the time to constantly support the band with his skills and time. All the best, Clemens, and many thanks for your drumming that made the music of CYRIL unique.

After some research we are nevertheless happy to present a new drummer:

Florian Graf will take the drumsticks and he will be part of CYRIL now.

We want to give him a warm welcome!