We are thrilled to see, that our new album “the way through” still gets amazing reviews, a lot of great feedback.
Even some of the biggest magazins featured CYRIL in their latest issues ( Eclipsed Magazine, Empire Music, … ) –
we´re so happy to see that growing community of CYRILists 😉
But there`s another – very important – announcement.
We like to thank our drummer Clemens Litschko for 7 years with CYRIL. He decided to leave the band – because after our first ever gigs – that went so well! – its clear for us to go the way with even more power. Due to his little family and his own projects Clemens sadly will not find the time to constantly support the band with his skills and time. All the best, Clemens, and many thanks for your drumming that made the music of CYRIL unique.
After some research we are nevertheless happy to present a new drummer: